I successfully used cloth diapers for baby #3, and I’m so proud of myself for sticking with it for as long as I did (almost a year). I saved a lot of money (especially since the cloth diapers I was using had a great ROI – I was able to sell them for a great profit), and I felt good about my small contribution to the well-being of our planet. But all good things must come to an end. My baby grew out of the stock of cloth diapers that I had, and I had to make a decision: reinvest in the next size up, or transition back to disposable diapers.

Cloth Diapers
12 months in cloth diapers

With my little one now on solid foods and soiling her diapers much less frequently, and a busy schedule of rushing around with my two older children, convenience won and I decided to transition away from cloth diapering. While I enjoyed the experience, it was time to move on.

While I was happy with my decision, I felt tinges of guilt as I tossed the disposables into the trash. I was aware of the environmental impacts of my decision and feeling guilty for turning my back on my goal to be a more environmentally-friendly household.

When I received a package in the mail filled with cleaning products and diaper supplies from an earth-friendly brand called Seventh Generation (a brand that I had worked with a few years ago), I was excited to try out their diapers again! I felt like I had found a nice balance between both diapering worlds – a disposable diaper that would offer the convenience factor that I sought, but that was also gentle on my baby’s skin and the environment, made of only all-natural ingredients.

Seventh generation
We love what we see on the labels
green diapers

I’ve tried other “green” diaper brands in the past, and found the side tabs to be quite fragile, and the absorbency to be too weak for overnights. The Seventh Generation diapers have thick and secure tabs, and stretchy waistbands making it easy for my little crawler/walker to get around comfortably. They haven’t leaked through lengthy wears, and fit nicely.

But I’m a big believer in trying before I buy – and luckily for you, you can try out these great products too! Enter below for a chance to WIN a Seventh Generation package of goodies ($50 VALUE)*, including:

  • A package of Seventh Generation Free & Clear diapers
  • A package of  Seventh Generation Free & Clear baby wipes
  • A package of Seventh Generation 100% recycled bathroom tissue
  • A package of Seventh Generation botanical disinfecting wipes
  • A bottle of Seventh Generation biodegradable dish soap 
  • A box of 100% Recycled Facial Tissue

*Sorry friends, this contest is only available to CANADIAN RESIDENTS.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I love this brand! I’ve used their laundry detergent and other cleaners. I would love to use their diapers on my #3! She’s mostly cloth-diapered during the day but I use disposables at night. This would be a great alternative to the other ones!

  2. We use their wipes, so I would love to try some of their other products!

  3. I’d really like to try their disinfecting wipes to see if they are good or not. I don’t use them very often, but I find they are handy for high traffic areas like the door knobs and bannisters, especially if someone in the house is sick.

  4. Jennifer P. Reply

    I would love to try these products because I have often thought of trying Seventh Generation for our baby but just haven’t had the chance yet. They sound better for the environment, and better for her, which is very appealing!

  5. I’d love to try these because they are safe for my family and my baby!

  6. I have nothing but good things about this brand, and would love to try them myself

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