2 Results

legacy of an adopted child


Legacy of an adopted child Once there were two women who never knew each other One you do not remember, the other you call mother. Two different lives shaped to make yours one One became your guiding star, the other became your sun. The first gave you life, the second taught you to live it The first gave you a need for Love, the second was there to give it. One gave you a nationality, the other gave you a name One gave you the seed for talent, the other gave you an aim. One gave you emotions, the other…

Throughout my life as an adoptee, I’ve always internally debated the dichotomy of adoption: am I the way that I am because of who I came from (nature), or because of who (and how) I was raised (nurture)? Do my interests and characteristics come from inherited traits, or environmental factors? Growing up, and throughout my post-secondary years when I was studying psychology, I was convinced that nurture was the winner of this debate. I truly believed that who I was had nothing to do with where I can from, and that my personality, interests, and skills were all as a…