


Growing up, nothing grossed me out more than the feeling of a soggy sphere of Brussels sprout dissolving on my tongue. I can still taste the bitter mush as I struggled to swallow it down – wincing in agony as I forked another chunk. Back then, it seemed the only way to serve a dish of Brussels Sprouts was to boil and serve. Overcooked, unseasoned globules of grossness topped with a dollop of butter (if you were lucky). I vowed to never punish my tastebuds again with the sour sting of Brussels sprouts when I was old enough to cook for myself.…

I may not believe in New Year’s resolutions, but I’ve become really good at setting personal goals for myself. It’s just the follow-through that I haven’t yet managed to master… When I turned 35, I shared 10 things I wanted to do before my 36th birthday. When I turned 37, I shared another list, this time 10 things I plan to do to remain youthful. My lists always seem reasonable: have fun, take time for myself, try something new – it’s not like I’m planning to change the world or anything. Yet every year when I revisit my list of goals, I’m left…

I wake up at 5am to the smell of dog shit and a toddler tugging on my hair. It’s the Friday of a long weekend – not exactly the way I had envisioned the start of my “day off”. I guess that’s the beauty of parenting (and housing a 15-year-old dog with wavering control of her bowels thanks to old age) – you never really know how your morning is going to unfold. I look over resentfully at my snoring husband, and roll out of bed like a log dead-falling over the cliff of a waterfall. Eyes squinted, I navigate my way through…

I first tried this delicious dish at a dinner party a few years ago, and it was absolutely mouth-watering (hence the name of this recipe). I had asked for the recipe, eager to duplicate it, but ended up tucking it away in a kitchen cupboard – out of sight, and out of mind. The other day I came across the recipe card, and while the memory of the dish had my taste buds screaming for an encore, I was intimidated by the long list of ingredients. I assumed it would be tricky to make, and didn’t feel up to dragging…

In the middle of my son’s Kindergarten year, he decided that he didn’t like pants. He didn’t just dislike them as an item of clothing – he refused to wear them. For months I fought the daily battle, trying my best to wrangle him into pants. Some days, physically forcing him into the ankle-length garb. And then one day, I gave up. I waved my white flag and walked away unscathed (except for maybe a slightly-bruised ego). I soon realized that my desire for him to wear pants wasn’t just about “dressing for the weather”, it came from my fear of being judged…

21 days until school’s back in session. Yes, I’m counting. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve definitely had some fun this Summer. We’ve enjoyed a week at a beautiful lake, we’ve had some fun get-togethers with friends, and we’ve taken advantage of every sun-drenched day that our city has had to offer. But while I’ve done my best to fill our days with active, kid-friendly activities, the work-life balance pendulum has definitely been swinging too far in the opposite direction over these past few months. When your work and your family are housed in the same spot, obvious challenges present themselves. I write…

While I cook all the meals in my home, I’ve become a lackadaisical chef. There was a time when I enjoyed cooking. When my relationship was new and I cooked to impress. When I didn’t have fussy little mouths to feed. When new meals weren’t met with dry heaves and gasps of disgust. Now, I cook to survive. To keep my family alive. My enthusiasm has dwindled, replaced with disdain. If I could hire a full-time chef – someone to nourish my family for me, I’d be in heaven. But at this time, I just can’t afford to make that dream…

Some may think that leaving a “dream job” with the Vancouver Canucks to pursue a part-time writing career is more of a cautionary tale that a true success story, but I’m proud of the path that I’ve chosen. Yes, the money pales in comparison to that of a full-time corporate job. And yes, freelance work can be fleeting, but I love what I do. For many, the recipe for success includes a showy salary, a nimble nine-to-five, and a sumptuous collection of stylish suits, but thats’ just not me – that’s not my definition of success.  At least not anymore. I’ve…

I don’t think I’m the only one who wishes I could host intimate dinner parties with friends in my home, but the daunting task of creating a mouthwatering menu and a complimentary chic-yet-laid-back ambiance, keeps me from sending out the invites. I had heard about underground supper clubs, and had been intrigued by the idea of dining in a secret location with unfamiliar faces and undiscovered dinner dishes, but I didn’t know that I had access to this unique dining experience in my own city. When I received an invite to try out the new Art House Supper Club, I was…

When I first heard about the launch of Tgoma – an integrated, interactive, digital gaming system for trampolines, I confess, I was skeptical. I thought: Why would I want to add technology to an outdoor activity that my kids already enjoy? My kids and I were invited to try out the new Tgoma for Springfree gaming system in person, and after trying it out and talking to the Springfree team about their new partnership with Tgoma, my skepticism was replaced by support. I quickly realized the motive behind the development of Tgoma – that it wasn’t designed to replace active play time…