


I successfully used cloth diapers for baby #3, and I’m so proud of myself for sticking with it for as long as I did (almost a year). I saved a lot of money (especially since the cloth diapers I was using had a great ROI – I was able to sell them for a great profit), and I felt good about my small contribution to the well-being of our planet. But all good things must come to an end. My baby grew out of the stock of cloth diapers that I had, and I had to make a decision: reinvest…

Have you ever been out for dinner with your family, and noticed someone sitting alone at a table? Maybe you wondered to yourself why that person was eating alone. Perhaps they’re single? Or maybe they’re travelling alone and dining out as they pass through town? Well last week, that solo diner was me. I’ve always found the thought of dining out alone somewhat intimidating. What would I do while I waited for my food to arrive? How would I react to the curious stares of other diners who were enjoying the company of friends – who would wonder why I was sitting…

I really should have planned  it better. I thought having 2 children with birthdays only 5 days apart would be fun! I thought I could even get away with joint birthday parties for a few years (you know, save a little money). Little did I know, having 2 children with such close birthdays actually means a full month (or two) of complete and utter double birthday party planning chaos. Every. Year. Forever. I guess it makes sense that my 8 year old doesn’t want to share her special day with her 1 year old sister. So two parties in one…

Last night my daughter lost her 7th tooth. As I flashed my best grin and cheered her on with enthusiasm while she recounted her valiant efforts to pull her wiggly tooth from its roots, my thoughts went straight to my late-evening plans, and how they were officially ruined. I remember writing about how I would never succumb to the over-the-top Tooth Fairy antics. Boy was I wrong. The problem is, as much as I would love to drop a quarter under my daughter’s pillow and call it a job well done, friends talk. And there’s nothing more depressing than seeing your sweet little firstborn…

As a career mom of three, I’m constantly asked the same question: How do you do it all? And the answer is easy: I don’t. The truth of the matter is, any mom who tells you that she ‘does it all’ is simply lying. It’s just not possible to give 100% of yourself to everything that you do. Doing it all (in the true sense) would be like riding a unicycle, blindfolded, while juggling 100 balls in the air with one hand. I don’t know about you, but for me, balls would get dropped. But while I’m not ‘doing it all’, I…

I’m not sure why I don’t make meatloaf more often. It’s so simple to make, and my kids love it! It’s like a giant meatball packed with veggies and protein, topped with sweet tomato sauce – perfect for picky palates. This was quite possibly the easiest dinner I have ever made for my family. You just toss the ingredients into the bowl, mix them up, place the mixture in a loaf pan, cook it, and serve it up! I chose to serve this version of meatloaf with roasted potatoes and baby carrots, and a delicious pear and gorgonzola salad, but this…

I recently came across this article proclaiming that “being a stay-at-home mother is not a job” and it caught my attention. Underneath the link, the Facebook feed was flooded with angry words from moms of all backgrounds, disgusted by the message behind the post, and horrified by comparisons such as this one: “No, Stay-at-Home-Mothers, choosing to create your own little person upon whom you’ll spend all your time and energy is a hobby. It is a time-consuming, sanity-deteriorating, life-altering hobby — a lot like a heroin addiction, but with more Thirty-One bags.” Source And I get it, maybe comparing the choice…

One morning, out of the blue, my baby stopped nursing. And I don’t mean she gently weaned herself, hesitantly cocking her head to the side when offered a sip of my liquid gold as babies sometimes do. I mean – possessed, arch-backing, pterodactyl-screeching, boob-slapping refused. I was baffled. The night before, she had sipped with satisfaction, drifting into a milk coma as babies often do when suckling mama’s sweet milk. But the following morning, it was as though I had yanked candy out of the hands of a spoiled toddler. Suddenly, my offerings elicited epic head-spinning tantrums. Even holding her in a cradled…

I was walking my Dalmatian at my favourite dog park the other day, when I overheard the same hushed commentary hiss through the tight lips of passersby. “Ohh Dalmatians, they’re cute but they’re SO hyper….” they sneered. And I get it – for some reason Dalmatians have gained a bad rap – likely due to the surge of poorly-treated and poorly-bred pups that were mass produced after the popularity of Disney’s 101 Dalmatians.  “Ohh Dalmatians, they’re cute but they’re SO hyper….” But isn’t assuming that all puppies born of the same breed have the same temperament, almost as presumptuous as assuming that all people of a…

Unfortunately, teaching your baby to sleep through the night is no easy feat. With each child, I have struggled with long periods of sleep deprivation, and with each child, I have eventually found a solution that works – convinced that I have unlocked the mystery to babies and sleep. But the truth is, there is no one easy answer – at least that hasn’t been the case for me. With my first child, I tried the Ferber CIO method and let my girl ‘cry it out’.  I found that a combination of playing quiet music, surrounding her with soothers, and leaving her to…